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cruising route Rogny / Auxerre - Decize / Rogny

Rogny - Auxerre - Decize - Rogny - 476 Km - 200 Locks - 103 h of navigation - 3 Weeks

From Rogny to Rogny, 0 km, 0 Lock(s), 0 h of navigation

Stopover : Rogny
Monument Monument


The old canal traversed a ladder of seven locks. This site, restored in 2007, deserves a visit by foot, so striking is the structure.

From Rogny to Briare, 18 km, 18 Lock(s), 6 h of navigation

Stopover : Rogny > Briare
Monument Monument


The old canal traversed a ladder of seven locks. This site, restored in 2007, deserves a visit by foot, so striking is the structure.

From Briare to Cosne Cours, 33 km, 5 Lock(s), 5.4 h of navigation

Stopover : Briare > Châtillon sur Loire > Belleville > Cosne Cours
Monument Monument


This town is especially known for its magnificent aqueduct; probably the most beautiful in France.
Monument Monument


This charming town features a network of old lanes, the ruins of 12th century Gaillard Castle, and a Protestant church.

From Cosne Cours to La Charité sur Loire, 31 km, 5 Lock(s), 5.1 h of navigation

Stopover : Cosne Cours > St Satur > La Charité sur Loire
Monument Monument


This town revolves around wine. In the town century you can find the Sancerre Dovetail, which brings together a number of wine-growers from the region and offers a guided tour and a tasting of the best Sancerre has to offer.
Monument Monument

La Charité-sur-Loire

Upon arrival, the stone bridge sets the tone for this village's past; it is one of only two original bridges on the Loire. Also designated a 'city of books', La Charité-sur-Loire is known above all for the Basilica of Sainte-Croix, which was one of the largest religious buildings in France, before various wars partially destroyed the landmark.
Vineyard Vineyard

the Sancerre

From La Charité sur Loire to Plagny, 35 km, 8 Lock(s), 6.3 h of navigation

Stopover : La Charité sur Loire > Marseilles les Aubigny > Plagny
Monument Monument


This small village was one of the first French river ports of the 19th century.
Monument Monument

La Charité-sur-Loire

Upon arrival, the stone bridge sets the tone for this village's past; it is one of only two original bridges on the Loire. Also designated a 'city of books', La Charité-sur-Loire is known above all for the Basilica of Sainte-Croix, which was one of the largest religious buildings in France, before various wars partially destroyed the landmark.

From Plagny to Decize, 34 km, 4 Lock(s), 5.3 h of navigation

Stopover : Plagny > Nevers > Fleury sur Loire > Decize
Monument Monument


Considered to be one of the first castle in the Loire, Château Ducal towers over the Loire valley. The Cathedral of Saint-Cyr is also worth the detour.
Monument Monument


Surplombant l’île rocheuse de la Loire, Decize est une ancienne cité fortifiée qui offre aux visiteurs une halte enrichissante en découvertes patrimoniales. Avec cinq ponts à traverser, la ville est un point stratégique pour les voies de communication. Cette situation géographique unique en fait une escale incontournable au centre de la France. La ville a prospéré grâce au transport fluvial de marchandises et à la navigation de plaisance, avec le Port de la Jonction et ses 80 anneaux comme principal ambassadeur. Decize est aussi surnommée «Le Paradis des pêcheurs» en raison de sa richesse en poissons, offrant de belles surprises de toutes tailles tels que le sandre, le chevesne, la perche, le brochet et le silure.

From Decize to Panneçot, 29 km, 10 Lock(s), 5.9 h of navigation

Stopover : Decize > Cercy la Tour > Panneçot
Monument Monument


Situated at the confluence of the Loire, the Canal du Nivernais and the Canal Latéral à la Loire, this town resembles an island. The Church of Saint-Aré - with its Merovingian crypt - and the clock tower, are the most striking landmarks in Decize.
Monument Monument


This village takes its name from the Tower of the old feudal castle, of which only ruins now remain. The village is pleasant, especially when strolling the small lanes leading to a terrace which overlooks the whole valley.

From Panneçot to Châtillon en Bazois, 22 km, 9 Lock(s), 4.7 h of navigation

Stopover : Panneçot > Châtillon en Bazois
Monument Monument


One visit not to be missed is to the castle of Châtillon-en-Bazois, built on a limestone spur in the 10th century.
Monument Monument

La crypte de l’église d’Alluy

Pour une immersion dans l’histoire religieuse locale, explorez cette crypte romane datant du Moyen-Âge avec ses peintures murales bien conservées.
Monument Monument

Château de Châtillon-En-Bazois

Cette demeure familiale chargée d’histoire, avec ses meubles d’époque et ses jardins classés «Jardin Remarquable » vous transporteront dans le temps.
Monument Monument

L’église Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Admirez son vitrail de la Sainte Famille par Lysiane Goeman, restauré en 2020, et explorez son architecture fascinante.

From Châtillon en Bazois to Baye, 15 km, 14 Lock(s), 4.8 h of navigation

Stopover : Châtillon en Bazois > Baye
Monument Monument


One visit not to be missed is to the castle of Châtillon-en-Bazois, built on a limestone spur in the 10th century.
Monument Monument

La crypte de l’église d’Alluy

Pour une immersion dans l’histoire religieuse locale, explorez cette crypte romane datant du Moyen-Âge avec ses peintures murales bien conservées.
Monument Monument

Château de Châtillon-En-Bazois

Cette demeure familiale chargée d’histoire, avec ses meubles d’époque et ses jardins classés «Jardin Remarquable » vous transporteront dans le temps.
Monument Monument

L’église Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Admirez son vitrail de la Sainte Famille par Lysiane Goeman, restauré en 2020, et explorez son architecture fascinante.
Nature Nature

Wetland pond of Baye

This wetland is designated a "Sensitive Natural Space", and the interpretive trails set up in the area allow you to discover this remarkable environment throughout the year.
Sports and leisure activities Sports and leisure activities

the lakes of Baye

This 75ha area of open water offers a vast range of water-based activites: catamaran, paddleboarding, canoeing, kayaking, watercycling,..

From Baye to Corbigny, 15 km, 26 Lock(s), 7.2 h of navigation

Stopover : Baye > Corbigny
Monument Monument


This old fortified medieval town is home to a former aldeman hotel, an old salt storehouse and the Abbaye Saint-Léonard.
River constructions River constructions

the Locks scale of Sardy

With its 16 locks, this ladder is one of the biggest in France. In order to make the passage more pleasant, craftspeople have set up in the lock keepers' houses (painters, potters,..)
River constructions River constructions

the tunnels of the Collancelle

In this section of the Canal du Nivernais there are 3 tunnels, all less than 2km in length.
Nature Nature

Wetland pond of Baye

This wetland is designated a "Sensitive Natural Space", and the interpretive trails set up in the area allow you to discover this remarkable environment throughout the year.
Sports and leisure activities Sports and leisure activities

the lakes of Baye

This 75ha area of open water offers a vast range of water-based activites: catamaran, paddleboarding, canoeing, kayaking, watercycling,..

From Corbigny to Tannay, 16 km, 10 Lock(s), 4.1 h of navigation

Stopover : Corbigny > Tannay
Monument Monument


This old fortified medieval town is home to a former aldeman hotel, an old salt storehouse and the Abbaye Saint-Léonard.
Monument Monument

Château de Pignol

Admirez le magnifique château de style Renaissance situé au hameau de Pignol, entouré d’un parc et appartenant à la même famille depuis 1618.
Monument Monument


Tannay est un village situé sur un coteau dominant la vallée de l’Yonne et le canal Nivernais. Il est marqué par son passé tannier et désormais renommé pour son vignoble. Les tours et toits témoignent de son patrimoine architectural unique, tandis que les huit châteaux et les églises, dont la Collégiale Saint Léger, ajoutent une touche de charme. Tannay est également une étape sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle et l’itinéraire vélo V56, offrant hébergement, restauration et ravitaillement aux pèlerins. Des événements tel que la Foire de la Sainte-Catherine animent la vie de la ville, tandis qu’un marché de producteurs locaux se tient chaque dimanche matin.

From Tannay to Coulanges, 26 km, 11 Lock(s), 5.7 h of navigation

Stopover : Tannay > Clamecy > Coulanges
Monument Monument


A number of striking landmarks can be seen in this beautiful little town, such as the Church of Notre-Dame-de-Bethéem, the Tower of the Collegiate Church of Saint-Martin, the Millraces, and the House of Tisserand.
Monument Monument

Château de Pignol

Admirez le magnifique château de style Renaissance situé au hameau de Pignol, entouré d’un parc et appartenant à la même famille depuis 1618.
Monument Monument


Tannay est un village situé sur un coteau dominant la vallée de l’Yonne et le canal Nivernais. Il est marqué par son passé tannier et désormais renommé pour son vignoble. Les tours et toits témoignent de son patrimoine architectural unique, tandis que les huit châteaux et les églises, dont la Collégiale Saint Léger, ajoutent une touche de charme. Tannay est également une étape sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle et l’itinéraire vélo V56, offrant hébergement, restauration et ravitaillement aux pèlerins. Des événements tel que la Foire de la Sainte-Catherine animent la vie de la ville, tandis qu’un marché de producteurs locaux se tient chaque dimanche matin.

From Coulanges to Mailly le château, 19 km, 9 Lock(s), 4.3 h of navigation

Stopover : Coulanges > Châtel Censoir > Mailly le château
Monument Monument


Châtel-Censoir est un village dynamique situé aux portes du Morvan. Situé en bordure du canal du Nivernais et de l’Yonne, il est dominé par la collégiale Saint Potentien (XIIe siècle), dont le carillon égrène les heures et rythme les journées. Nombreux petits passages et chemins touristiques, port de tourisme fluvial, baignade, pêche, pistes cyclables, escalade aux Rochers du Saussois, grottes, randonnées, tennis : Châtel et ses environs immédiats offrent de nombreuses possibilités de loisirs et de détente. Les commerces, situés au coeur du village sont accessibles à pied. Son marché, vivant et animé, à lieu tous les jeudi.
Monument Monument


Mailly-le-Château est un village médiéval situé dans la vallée de l’Yonne. Avec son château fort, ses maisons au bord de la rivière et sa réserve naturelle, il offre un cadre enchanteur pour les visiteurs en quête d’histoire et de nature préservée.
Monument Monument

La chapelle Saint-Nicolas

Découvrez cette petite chapelle datant du Xve siècle, classée au titre des Monuments historiques, construite sur l’une des piles du pont à double dosd’âne.
Monument Monument

Collégiale Saint-Potentien

Visitez cette église datant du XIe au XVIe siècle, qui était un lieu de pèlerinage important jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle.
Nature Nature

La réserve naturelle du Bois du Parc

Profitez des sentiers de randonnée et découvrez les falaises, le récif corallien fossilisé et la flore remarquable de cette réserve naturelle.
Sports and leisure activities Sports and leisure activities

Le Planétarium

Découvrez l’astronomie et partez pour une promenade dans les étoiles grâce au planétarium de Mailly-le-Château

From Mailly le château to Vermenton, 12 km, 6 Lock(s), 2.8 h of navigation

Stopover : Mailly le château > Vermenton
Monument Monument


It is worth the detour to access this small village; simply take the Vermenton turnoff, which follows the bed of the Cure river for 4km. This will allow you to discover the magnificent 10th century castle.

From Vermenton to Auxerre, 20 km, 14 Lock(s), 5.5 h of navigation

Stopover : Vermenton > Auxerre
Monument Monument


A historical town center, the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne with its magnificent stained-glass windows and the Clock Tower are the main remnants of the past in the town of Auxerre.
Monument Monument


To the south of Champs-sur-Yonne, in the commune of Bailly, a cooperative established in a former underground stone quarry will let you sample the various wine-making products of the region.
Monument Monument


It is worth the detour to access this small village; simply take the Vermenton turnoff, which follows the bed of the Cure river for 4km. This will allow you to discover the magnificent 10th century castle.
Vineyard Vineyard

the Saint-Bris

Vineyard Vineyard

the Irancy

Gastronomy Gastronomy

the Goujère, made of puff pastry and cheese

From Auxerre to Joigny, 30 km, 11 Lock(s), 6.2 h of navigation

Stopover : Auxerre > Joigny
Monument Monument


A historical town center, the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne with its magnificent stained-glass windows and the Clock Tower are the main remnants of the past in the town of Auxerre.
Monument Monument


In this small town are a number of reminders of the past, such as the Churches of St André and St Jean, as well as Gondi Castle. With its narrow lanes lined with half-timbered houses, Joigny belongs to the network of the "Most beautiful detours in France".
Gastronomy Gastronomy

the Goujère, made of puff pastry and cheese

Gastronomy Gastronomy

the Burgundy snails, whose recipe was invented in the village of Bassou between Migennes and Auxerre

From Joigny to Villeneuve/Yonne, 19 km, 4 Lock(s), 3.3 h of navigation

Stopover : Joigny > Villeneuve/Yonne
Monument Monument


In this small town are a number of reminders of the past, such as the Churches of St André and St Jean, as well as Gondi Castle. With its narrow lanes lined with half-timbered houses, Joigny belongs to the network of the "Most beautiful detours in France".
Monument Monument


In this relatively new town, founded in 1163 for Louis VII, Philippe Auguste had the Château de la Salle built to be used as a royal residence. Of note are the 7 archs of the Saint-Nicolas bridge; one of the oldest in Burgundy.On the outskirts of the town there were once 4 gates, of which 2 are still standing; Joigny and Sens.
Swimming Swimming

the lakes of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne

From Villeneuve/Yonne to Moret sur Loing, 17 km, 4 Lock(s), 3.1 h of navigation

Stopover : Villeneuve/Yonne > Sens > Moret sur Loing
Monument Monument


Sens is a town with a rich past from which some remarkable monuments still remain, such as the gardens of the orangery, the Cathedral of Saint-Etienne and the former archiepiscopal palace.
Monument Monument


In this relatively new town, founded in 1163 for Louis VII, Philippe Auguste had the Château de la Salle built to be used as a royal residence. Of note are the 7 archs of the Saint-Nicolas bridge; one of the oldest in Burgundy.On the outskirts of the town there were once 4 gates, of which 2 are still standing; Joigny and Sens.
Monument Monument


In this small fortified town you can discover the house of Clémenceau, which is today a docking barn, and the magnificent bridge over the Loing river.
Swimming Swimming

the lakes of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne

From Moret sur Loing to Nemours, 18 km, 6 Lock(s), 3.6 h of navigation

Stopover : Moret sur Loing > Nemours
Monument Monument


In this small fortified town you can discover the house of Clémenceau, which is today a docking barn, and the magnificent bridge over the Loing river.

From Nemours to Montargis, 33 km, 10 Lock(s), 6.4 h of navigation

Stopover : Nemours > Dordives > Montargis
Monument Monument


This medieval city is surrounded by the waters of the Loing river. Nemours is home to a medieval castle listed as a Historical Monument.
Monument Monument


In the Medieval period, the streams flowing through Montargis, the Puiseaux and the Vernisson, were diverted in several locations to create multiple canals around the outskirts of the city, modelled on the moats of a castle, in order to protect the town from invaders.
Nature Nature

the Animal Park of Emprunt

Located at Souppes-sur-Loing, this park is home to 400 species of animals, some of which are allowed to roam free.

From Montargis to Châtillon Colligny, 24 km, 11 Lock(s), 5.4 h of navigation

Stopover : Montargis > Châtillon Colligny
Monument Monument


In the Medieval period, the streams flowing through Montargis, the Puiseaux and the Vernisson, were diverted in several locations to create multiple canals around the outskirts of the city, modelled on the moats of a castle, in order to protect the town from invaders.
Monument Monument


The keep and three vast terraces are all that remain of the splendid medieval castle which stood at Châtillon-Coligny before the Revolution.

From Châtillon Colligny to Rogny, 10 km, 5 Lock(s), 2.3 h of navigation

Stopover : Châtillon Colligny > Rogny
Monument Monument


The old canal traversed a ladder of seven locks. This site, restored in 2007, deserves a visit by foot, so striking is the structure.
Monument Monument


The keep and three vast terraces are all that remain of the splendid medieval castle which stood at Châtillon-Coligny before the Revolution.

Bike Bike


Tow paths provide an ideal place to ride your bike

The Locks

2 type(s) of lock(s) on The Canal Latéral à la Loire/Briare
  • Manual locks with a lock-keeper
  • Automatic locks

Other possible cruises from Rogny

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